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Average score 211 Reviews
SaschaV noted on Google

2 months ago
A. I. noted on Google

(Translated by Google) If you like sushi, you will get your money's worth here. We had 5 different special rolls, all of which were delicious. The sushi is freshly prepared and the quality is very high. It was simply a treat for the taste buds. We would love to come back and enjoy. Staff is attentive and friendly. (Original) Wer Sushi mag, wird hier voll auf seine Kosten kommen. Wir hatten 5 verschiedene Special Rollen, die allesamt köstlich waren. Das Sushi wird frisch zubereitet und die Qualität ist sehr hoch. Es war einfach ein Genuss für die Geschmacksknospen. Wir kommen gerne wieder zum Genießen. Personal ist aufmerksam und freundlich.

3 months ago
Lorena Mensing noted on Google

3 months ago
julian schäfer noted on Google

(Translated by Google) The food was really very tasty. Small but very fine restaurant and above all the price was right. No overpriced prices like most sushi restaurants. Thank you very much for a successful visit. (Original) Das Essen war wirklich sehr lecker. Kleines aber sehr feines Restaurant und vorallen stimmte der Preis hier . Keine überteuerten Preise wie man es bei den meisten Sushi Restaurant kennt . Rund um ein gelungener Besuch vielen Dank.

3 months ago
Ирина Давыденко noted on Google

3 months ago
Alexander H. noted on Click&Collect

3 months ago
Michael Pfeiffer noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Very good sushi and great bowls. Have eaten there many times and it is always delicious. Price-performance ratio optimal (Original) Sehr gute Sushi und tolle Bowles. Haben schon oft dort gegessen und es ist immer wieder sehr lecker. Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis optimal

3 months ago
Arne Weinhardt noted on Google

3 months ago
Jörg Sawatzki noted on Google

3 months ago
Sybille Stratzmann noted on Google

3 months ago

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30175 Hannover, Deutschland

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